Workplace Skills for Beginners

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The publication compiles essential information on the basic qualities and skills necessary for seamless adaptation to a new workplace. It covers aspects such as integrating into the work process, creating a positive initial impression, establishing friendly and cooperative relationships with teammates and colleagues, thus ensuring a smooth start to professional career.

Language of the publication: Georgian

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Job Readiness Skills

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The social skills needed for employment and seamless integration into the workforce are not taught in schools or universities, but are acquired more informally through work experience or relevant training programs. This manual aims to help young people master these skills and promote their readiness for work. Language of the publication: Georgian.

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Effective Teaching Techniques

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The short guide was originally developed as reading material to accompany the online training "Teaching Methods and Teaching Effectiveness". Later, we completed the publication with detailed guidelines on certain interactive activities for teachers to enrich their lessons, increase the interest and motivation of their students, and ultimately improve the effectiveness of the teaching process. Language of the publication: Georgian.

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Basics of Project Writing and Management for Teachers

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This digital publication was developed by Center for Change and Conflict Management “Partners-Georgia” within the Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge for Knowledge and Skill-share (LINKS) Project, implemented by United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG) and Open Society Foundation, Georgia (OSGF) with financial support from European Union. The purpose of the guide is to provide an overview of the main stages of project development and management, and to assist in the process of writing a basic project proposal. Language of the publication: Georgian.

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Teacher`s Digital Competence

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Today, modern technologies enable us to conduct the learning process online, creating an interactive and engaging experience and simultaneously making education accessible to a broader audience. Developed during the Covid-19 pandemic, this manual explores free, user-friendly digital tools that significantly enhance productivity in online learning.

Language of the manual: Georgian.

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Teacher`s Communication Competence

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Georgian language e-book was developed by the Center for Change and Conflict Management “Partners-Georgia” within the Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge for Knowledge and Skill-share (LINKS) Project, implemented by United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG) and Open Society Foundation, Georgia (OSGF) with financial support from the European Union. Specific topics within the content of the manual were determined with the active involvement of teachers working in vocational schools of the project target regions. We hope that the e-book will be interesting not only for teachers of various educational institutions but also for anyone interested in effective communication issues.

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Volunteer Management Handbook for CSOs

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This guide offers practical advice to effectively attract, engage, and manage volunteers as well as to ensure seamless operations even when volunteers leave the organization. Primarily aimed at those directly responsible for managing and coordinating volunteer activities, it also provides valuable insights for organizational leaders and any individuals who interact with volunteers regularly.

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Facilitation Handbook

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Georgian language Facilitation Handbook aims to enhance techniques and skills needed to plan and conduct effective meetings and to keep meeting participants energized, attentive and engaged.

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Diversity Management Basics

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Bi-lingual (Georgian and Russian) Publication has been prepared in frames of the “National Integration and Tolerance in Georgia” (NITG) Program of the United Nations Association of Georgia with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The publication aimed to familiarize young program beneficiaries (including ethnic minorities) with concepts of diversity, tolerance and integration and to serve as a companion reading book to the Diversity Management training sessions delivered to various target groups within the NITG program frames.

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Naturally Interesting Lesson

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The publication was made in frames of the project "Education – Local Development Tool. Supporting Education Decentralization in Shida Kartli Region", financed by the Polish aid Programme 2009 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Publication aimed to present very simple and effective science experiments that would help Georgian school teachers to conduct fun, interesting and motivating lessons in biology, chemistry and physics.

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ნეკი ნეკისა, შერიგებისა...

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The second edition of the "Conflict Management Basics for Youth" is published in frames of the one year Program "Conflict Prevention through Environmental Awareness for Youth (COPE)", with the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency, Care Austria and British Petroleum. it contains drawings and short stories prepared by young students of Borjomi, Akhaltsikhe, Adigeni and Tsalka public schools. The publication will be useful for both youth and adult readers interested in conflict management and resolution issues.

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Turning a one-time buyer into a loyal customer

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Client service recommendations for service personnel

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