Promotion: is it a success or a challenge?
What should a manager prioritize: employees or achieving the goal?
Should we trust employees or control them?
How can one influence employee behavior?
Should a manager also be a leader?

Management and leadership training is the best way to hone management skills and foster the right attitude towards the management process. Training helps you objectively analyze your management behavior and craft successful, result-oriented strategies.

The training program covers the following key areas:

  • Understanding the core responsibilities of management;
  • Exploring different management styles;
  • Manager versus Leader;
  • Groups versus teams;
  • Motivation or manipulation: ethical ways of influencing others;
  • Manager as a coach;
  • Communication between manager and employees;
  • Strategies for addressing undesirable behavior of employees;
  • Different decision-making forms;
  • Problem-solving approaches for managers.